Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Welcome to Viandragaulz News: For five days, retiring Sen. Jim Bunning. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) publicly urged Bunning to end his stand, while McConnell, who has a long-standing feud with his fellow Kentuckian, ducked a question Tuesday on whether Bunning was "speaking for the Republicans." But the newest Republican senator, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, said Bunning had done the right thing in holding up the measure. "I don't think it's about party, it's about good government," said Brown, who was elected in January vowing to promote fiscal discipline. "The perception in Massachusetts and other parts of the country is that Washington is broken. And if it takes one guy to get up and make a stand, to point out that we need a funding source to pay for everything that's being pushed here, I think that speaks for itself." Democrats made a steady procession to the microphones Tuesday to lament the doleful effects of Bunning's action in their states. Drafting behind those comments, party aides went granular, blasting out a stream of damning numbers -- aid for the jobless cutoff, highway workers furloughed, bridge projects halted -- tailored to individual regions and congressional districts. The result: Bunning on the local news, Bunning in the hometown newspaper. "If there were ever an emergency, this is it," Reid said. "It's not about the legislative process or Senate rules. It's about the rights of individuals to survive in America. . . . They've gone too far." Bunning said Tuesday night that his efforts had been worthwhile in shedding a spotlight on growing federal deficits. "Neither side has clean hands," Bunning said. "What matters is that we get our spending problems under control." ad_icon Click here! If consumers of political news didn't know much about Bunning before, they certainly do now. They've heard about his record of controversial comments, the push into retirement he got from McConnell and other Republicans, and the skipped December votes on health care and other issues he has steadfastly refused to explain. Videos of Bunning brushing off reporters -- ABC News on Monday, CNN on Tuesday -- have gone viral. Coverage back home has been similarly rough; the Louisville Courier-Journal editorialized Tuesday that Bunning was "raging -- and cussing -- at the dying of the spotlight. If only he could exit stage right now." Asked Tuesday about cutting a deal with Bunning, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "I don't know how you negotiate with the irrational." Beyond this narrow debate, Bunning gave Democrats a chance to make broader arguments -- Republicans are obstructionists, and Senate rules are undemocratic -- that they hope will soften the ground in the health-care fight. Scott Lilly, an expert on spending issues at the liberal Center for American Progress, said Bunning's move couldn't have come at a better time for Democrats. "I think they were in desperate need of a poster child, and he just sort of stepped up to the line and offered himself up," Lilly said. . James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) publicly urged Bunning to end his stand, while McConnell, who has a long-standing feud with his fellow Kentuckian, ducked a question Tuesday on whether Bunning was "speaking for the Republicans." But the newest Republican senator, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, said Bunning had done the right thing in holding up the measure. "I don't think it's about party, it's about good government," said Brown, who was elected in January vowing to promote fiscal discipline. "The perception in Massachusetts and other parts of the country is that Washington is broken. And if it takes one guy to get up and make a stand, to point out that we need a funding source to pay for everything that's being pushed here, I think that speaks for itself." Democrats made a steady procession to the microphones Tuesday to lament the doleful effects of Bunning's action in their states. Drafting behind those comments, party aides went granular, blasting out a stream of damning numbers -- aid for the jobless cutoff, highway workers furloughed, bridge projects halted -- tailored to individual regions and congressional districts. The result: Bunning on the local news, Bunning in the hometown newspaper. "If there were ever an emergency, this is it," Reid said. "It's not about the legislative process or Senate rules. It's about the rights of individuals to survive in America. . . . They've gone too far." Bunning said Tuesday night that his efforts had been worthwhile in shedding a spotlight on growing federal deficits. "Neither side has clean hands," Bunning said. "What matters is that we get our spending problems under control." ad_icon Click here! If consumers of political news didn't know much about Bunning before, they certainly do now. They've heard about his record of controversial comments, the push into retirement he got from McConnell and other Republicans, and the skipped December votes on health care and other issues he has steadfastly refused to explain. Videos of Bunning brushing off reporters -- ABC News on Monday, CNN on Tuesday -- have gone viral. Coverage back home has been similarly rough; the Louisville Courier-Journal editorialized Tuesday that Bunning was "raging -- and cussing -- at the dying of the spotlight. If only he could exit stage right now." Asked Tuesday about cutting a deal with Bunning, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "I don't know how you negotiate with the irrational." Beyond this narrow debate, Bunning gave Democrats a chance to make broader arguments -- Republicans are obstructionists, and Senate rules are undemocratic -- that they hope will soften the ground in the health-care fight. Scott Lilly, an expert on spending issues at the liberal Center for American Progress, said Bunning's move couldn't have come at a better time for Democrats. "I think they were in desperate need of a poster child, and he just sort of stepped up to the line and offered himself up," Lilly said. held his fellow Republicans hostage. He stood his ground, angry and alone, a one-man blockade against unemployment benefits, Medicare payments to doctors, satellite TV to rural Americans and paychecks to highway workers. "Enough," the Kentucky Republican thundered repeatedly, his face red, as he stood in the way of Washington spending more money he said it didn't have on an extension of popular programs. Finally, as supporters and critics yelled at each other outside his Lexington office, he capitulated from the well of the Senate on Tuesday night.
Relentless attacks from Democrats and withering support from Republicans, worried that the Hall of Fame pitcher was turning the party's message of principled objection to raging obstructionism, ended Bunning's stand. He had forced about 2,000 federal employees into furloughs and imperiled jobless benefits for millions.
And he had forced some in his own caucus to distance themselves. Early next year, Bunning will conclude a Senate career studded with impolitic comments, and he appears long past taking any direction or advice from GOP leaders.
The resolution emerged after several hours of uneasy negotiations Tuesday, during which the staff ofSenate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) dealt with the staff of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), which dealt with Bunning's staff. Having demanded three amendment votes on the extensions bill, Bunning settled for one Tuesday and the promise of more later in the week. Bunning's amendment, which failed with only 43 votes in support, called for the $10 billion package of temporary extensions to be offset with the end of a lucrative tax credit for paper companies on a wood byproduct called "black liquor." After that vote, senators immediately approved the extensions bill, 78 to 19. "I'm grateful to the members of the Senate on both sides of the aisle who worked to end this roadblock to relief for America's working families," President Obama said in a statement upon signing the measure into law late Tuesday. Even after the agreement, feelings remained raw on both sides. "It came about because Republicans realized they were wrong," Reid said. Bunning, 79, was similarly hostile, saying that he would be watching Democrats during the vote on his amendment Tuesday night "and checking off the hypocrites one by one." He remained defiant as he read a letter from a constituent who applauded the fight even though both his sons were unemployed. The Republicans had tried sending the gentlewoman from Maine to the floor to try and coax Bunning down. "Senator Bunning's views do not represent a majority of the Republican caucus," said Sen. Susan Collins. "It's important that the American people understand that there is bipartisan support for extending these vital programs. This is not a partisan issue." Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) publicly urged Bunning to end his stand, while McConnell, who has a long-standing feud with his fellow Kentuckian, ducked a question Tuesday on whether Bunning was "speaking for the Republicans." But the newest Republican senator, Scott Brown of Massachusetts, said Bunning had done the right thing in holding up the measure. "I don't think it's about party, it's about good government," said Brown, who was elected in January vowing to promote fiscal discipline. "The perception in Massachusetts and other parts of the country is that Washington is broken. And if it takes one guy to get up and make a stand, to point out that we need a funding source to pay for everything that's being pushed here, I think that speaks for itself." Democrats made a steady procession to the microphones Tuesday to lament the doleful effects of Bunning's action in their states. Drafting behind those comments, party aides went granular, blasting out a stream of damning numbers -- aid for the jobless cutoff, highway workers furloughed, bridge projects halted -- tailored to individual regions and congressional districts. The result: Bunning on the local news, Bunning in the hometown newspaper. "If there were ever an emergency, this is it," Reid said. "It's not about the legislative process or Senate rules. It's about the rights of individuals to survive in America. . . . They've gone too far." Bunning said Tuesday night that his efforts had been worthwhile in shedding a spotlight on growing federal deficits. "Neither side has clean hands," Bunning said. "What matters is that we get our spending problems under control." ad_icon Click here! If consumers of political news didn't know much about Bunning before, they certainly do now. They've heard about his record of controversial comments, the push into retirement he got from McConnell and other Republicans, and the skipped December votes on health care and other issues he has steadfastly refused to explain. Videos of Bunning brushing off reporters -- ABC News on Monday, CNN on Tuesday -- have gone viral. Coverage back home has been similarly rough; the Louisville Courier-Journal editorialized Tuesday that Bunning was "raging -- and cussing -- at the dying of the spotlight. If only he could exit stage right now." Asked Tuesday about cutting a deal with Bunning, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said, "I don't know how you negotiate with the irrational." Beyond this narrow debate, Bunning gave Democrats a chance to make broader arguments -- Republicans are obstructionists, and Senate rules are undemocratic -- that they hope will soften the ground in the health-care fight. Scott Lilly, an expert on spending issues at the liberal Center for American Progress, said Bunning's move couldn't have come at a better time for Democrats. "I think they were in desperate need of a poster child, and he just sort of stepped up to the line and offered himself up," Lilly said.

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Viandra loveTentu Anda mengenal handphone (HP) bukan..?
Nah pada hari ini viandragaulz ingin berbagi pengetahuan tentang Gprs Handphone.Kebutuhan industri akan komunikasi bergerak menyebabkan GPRS menjadi salah satu teknologi komunikasi data yang banyak digunakan saat ini. GPRS adalah kepanjangan dari General Packet Radio Service yaitu komunikasi data dan suara yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan gelombang radio. GPRS memiliki kemampuan untuk mengkomunikasikan data dan suara pada saat alat komunikasi bergerak (mobille). Sistem GPRS dapat digunakan untuk transfer data (dalam bentuk paket data) yang berkaitan dengan e-mail, data gambar (MMS), dan penelusuran (browsing) Internet. Layanan GPRS dipasang pada jenis ponsel tipe GSM dan IS-136, walaupun jaringaan GPRS saat ini terpisah dari GSM. Dalam teorinya GPRS menjanjikan kecepatan mulai dari 56 kbps sampai 115 kbps, sehingga memungkinkan akses internet, pengiriman data multimedia ke komputer, notebook dan handheld computer. Namun, dalam implementasinya, hal tersebut sangat tergantung faktor-faktor sebagai berikut: Konfigurasi dan alokasi time slot pada level BTS Software yang dipergunakan Dukungan fitur dan aplikasi ponsel yang digunakan Ini menjelaskan mengapa pada saat-saat tertentu dan di lokasi tertentu akses GPRS terasa lambat, bahkan lebih lambat dari akses CSD yang memiliki kecepat 03.d. 3G (Kecepatan Akses Internet-3G) 3G (dibaca: triji) adalah singkatan dari istilah dalam bahasa Inggris: third-generation technology. Istilah ini umumnya digunakan mengacu kepada perkembangan teknologi telepon nirkabel (wireless). 3G sebagai sebuah solusi nirkabel yang bisa memberikan kecepatan akses: Sebesar 144 Kbps untuk kondisi bergerak cepat (mobile). Sebesar 384 Kbps untuk kondisi berjalan (pedestrian). Sebesar 2 Mbps untuk kondisi statik di suatu tempat. Jaringan 3G tidak merupakan upgrade dari 2G; operator 2G yang berafiliasi dengan 3GPP perlu untuk mengganti banyak komponen untuk bisa memberikan layanan 3G. Sedangkan operator 2G yang berafiliasi dengan teknologi 3GPP2 lebih mudah dalam upgrade ke 3G karena berbagai network element nya sudah didesain untuk ke arah layanan nirkabel pita lebar (broadband wireless). Jaringan Telepon Telekomunikasi selular telah meningkat menuju penggunaan layanan 3G dari 1999 hingga 2010. Jepang adalah negara pertama yang memperkenalkan 3G secara nasional dan transisi menuju 3G di Jepang sudah dicapai pada tahun 2006. Setelah itu Korea menjadi pengadopsi jaringan 3G pertama dan transisi telah dicapai pada awal tahun 2004, memimpin dunia dalam bidang telekomunikasi. an 9,6 kbps. 03.e. Wifi (Kecepatan Akses Internet-WiFi) Pernahkan kalian melihat sambungan komunikasi tanpa kabel? Teknologi itu dikenal dengan Wirelless Fidelity (WiFi). Teknologi jaringan tanpa kabel menggunakan frekuensi tinggi berada pada spektrum 2,4 GHz. Wi-Fi memiliki pengertian yaitu sekumpulan standar yang digunakan untuk Jaringan Lokal Nirkabel (Wireless Local Area Networks - WLAN) yang didasari pada spesifikasi IEEE 802.11. Standar terbaru dari spesifikasi 802.11a atau b, seperti 802.16 g, saat ini sedang dalam penyusunan, spesifikasi terbaru tersebut menawarkan banyak peningkatan mulai dari luas cakupan yang lebih jauh hingga kecepatan transfernya. Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) adalah koneksi tanpa kabel seperti handphone dengan mempergunakan teknologi radio sehingga pemakainya dapat mentransfer data dengan cepat dan aman. Wi-Fi tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk mengakses internet, Wi-Fi juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat jaringan tanpa kabel di perusahaan. Karena itu banyak orang mengasosiasikan Wi-Fi dengan “Kebebasan” karena teknologi Wi-Fi memberikan kebebasan kepada pemakainya untuk mengakses internet atau mentransfer data dari ruang meeting, kamar hotel, kampus, dan café-café yang bertanda “Wi-Fi Hot Spot”. Juga salah satu kelebihan dari Wi-Fi adalah kepraktisan,tidak perlu repot memasang kabel network. Untuk masalah kecepatan tergantung sinyal yang diperoleh.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

HONG KONG — US President Barack Obama's fortunes will sink further and nuclear threats will grow, but the world economy will bounce back in the turbulent Year of the Tiger, Chinese soothsayers predict. "Obama will start going downhill this year. He will not be able to achieve much," said Peter So, one of Hong Kong's celebrity feng shui masters peering into the future as the Lunar New Year rolls around on Sunday. Chinese fortune-tellers study the changing balance of the five elements they believe form the core of the universe -- metal, wood, water, fire, and soil -- and in the Chinese zodiac the tiger is seen as the mother of fire. In feng shui, a person's element can be calculated by using the exact time and date of his birth. Obama, born in the summer of 1961, needed the support of water and did not go well with fire, So said. "Unfortunately, there is too much fire and no water for Obama this year." He predicted that already strained Sino-US relations would deteriorate further in the second half of 2010, with Obama's good fortune running out. Other leaders could also be in for a hard time, according to their place in the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese Zodiac -- Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Monkey is the least favourable animal sign this year as it is in a direct clash with the tiger, according to the soothsayers. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who was born on the Day of the Monkey in the Year of the Monkey, is expected to experience a particularly rough 2010, Raymond Lo, a Hong Kong feng shui expert, told AFP. Others born in the Year of the Monkey include Akio Toyoda, chief of troubled Japanese auto giant Toyota, and Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang, who has been dogged by growing public discontent. The tiger's link to fire could also be a warning of renewed nuclear threats from rogue regimes such as North Korea and from terrorists, Lo said. Adding to the possibility of troubled times is the fact that metal is the dominant element this year. "Unfortunately, this means the year 2010 will not be peaceful as there will be lots of international conflicts," Lo told AFP. Each element is further divided into the yin and the yang strands, the two complementary qualities representing nature's passive and active side. Lo said that metal this year belongs to the yang strand and is a symbol of loyalty to friends and justice. "However, these seemingly positive qualities can be destructive to international relations as state leaders may take sides and make military alliances." But the disputes were unlikely to result in violence, he said. On the positive side, fire symbolises the driving force of the economy and lifts hopes that a long-term recovery will be in sight, feng shui masters said. "Fire stands for optimism and a speculative mentality, which means that there will be lots of activity in the stock market this year," said Lo. "We've got to remember that the financial crisis was triggered by the absence of fire and prevalence of water, which symbolises fear." Feng shui master Alion Yeo predicted that stock markets in Hong Kong and China would be up at the beginning of the year. "But it will experience significant fluctuations around August before the market rebounds for a sustainable recovery towards the end of the year," he said. The experts believe that the Year of the Tiger will also be favourable to industries connected to metal, such as banking, machinery, high tech, and cars. While they had varied predictions on what sort of natural disasters the world will see in a year dominated by metal and fire they all agreed on one thing -- an abundance of traffic accidents.
Reading the reports of Alexander McQueen’s death you would think we had lost an Oscar Wilde or a Jimi Hendrix. “He was a genius,” says Katharine Hamnett. “What a terrible tragic waste.” “His brilliant imagination knew no bounds,” says Vogue editor Alexandra Shulman. I’m always skeptical when the word “genius” is bandied about by the fashionista — more or less everything is “genius” in their world, as in, “Love that belt, darling. It’s genius.” I oversaw an Alexander McQueen fashion shoot for Vanity Fair’s Cool Britannia issue in 1997 (styled by Isabella Blow) and the thing that really stood out was the cult of personality he had managed to create around himself. He wasn’t a conventional Alpha male, but he was one of those people who used his shyness as a weapon — a form of passive aggression. When he finally appeared on set, at least two hours late, he was surrounded by flunkies and skulked around at the edges of where the models were posing, radiating hostility. The impression he gave was that participating in a photo shoot for Vanity Fair — a privilege that would vastly inflate the amount of money he could extract from credulous advertising agencies — was a colossal chore, far beneath his dignity. He was a rock star. Everyone else was a groupie. As a mere employee of the magazine that was paying him tens of thousands of dollars to secure his services I wasn’t entitled to speak to him. Instead, all communication had to be relayed through some ghastly major domo — a sort of Osric figure. Nine times out of ten, I would pose a question — “Is it okay if we pin the dress at the back because, er, it doesn’t quite fit?” — and get no reply. At the time I resented this, but after I become a bit more worldly — several fashion shoots later — I realised that McQueen’s behaviour was inextricably bound up with his reputation. Had he been a little less prima donna-ish, he never would have become acclaimed as the Greatest Living Designer in British fashion. It took a while, but I finally realised that there’s no such thing as talent in fashion — at least, not in the sense in which it’s normally understood. Unlike literature or music, it simply isn’t clear which designer has talent and which hasn’t. One person puts together a collection in which the models appear in dustbin liners, another in which they’re sporting sackcloth, and who’s to say which collection embodies the “zeitgeist”? To the outsider, both collections look equally idiotic. Before I become involved in this world, I assumed that the reason I couldn’t tell which designers were good and which mediocre was because I lacked experience — I didn’t have any “taste”. But after working in fashion for several years, I realised that “taste” is just a euphemism for the collective wisdom of the fashion elite. And their standards change from week to week — sometimes day to day. Clearly, there were no hard and fast rules, no “canon” which the arbiters of fashion could refer to. So what dictated who was “in” and who was “out”? What prompted the grandees of the fashion world — Anna Wintour, Suzy Menkes, Grace Coddington — to declare one designer a “genius” and another “so ten minutes ago, darling”. It’s not just one thing, obviously. Up to a point, you can tell which designers possess some creative flair — and McQueen clearly had that in spades. Originality counts for something, too, provided it’s within the acceptable parameters. Technical skill — “craft” — is also something the Lord High Executioners of the Catwalk like to cite from time to time, pretending they know something about the stitching techniques used in Indonesian sweatshops. But, overwhelmingly, it’s about the charisma of the designer in question. How much force of personality does he or she possess? Typically, a top designer secures an audience with the high arbiters of international style before he unveils his collection and that is his chance to impose himself, to convince the panel of judges that he’s in possession of some supernatural connection to the sturm and drang of contemporary culture. How does he do this? Sometimes by being emphatic and stern-faced, like Karl Lagerfeld: “Achtung! Achtung! Pink is the new blue.” But it’s often more effective to be quietly confident, shy yet sure. You pronounce with total conviction that, for instance, skulls on scarves are going to be Next Big Thing, and the skull-faced Sybils nod along with great sagacity. The lower the volume, the more convincing the case. Not much to do with talent; mainly to do with personal charisma. So that’s my verdict on Alexander McQueen. Not a “genius”, unless by that you mean a gift for self-presentation. But someone who managed to survive at the top of a very competitive game for over 10 years through sheer force of personality.

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

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Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

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Semoga tutorial ini bermamfaat untuk anda yang seadang ingin memulai bisnis di internet

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

PTC memang sangat menarik dan sangat populer. Ada banyak sekali situs – situs PTC yang tersebar luas di internet. Bagi anda yang sudah mengikuti salah satu atau beberapa program PTC, pasti sudah mengetahui beberapa situs program PTC yang ada. Namun bagi yang belum, dan ingin masuk ke bisnis PTC..berikut ini saya beri daftar PTC yang terbukti sudah membayar. Kamu bisa mengikuti program PTC berikut ini :
Buxto ( Program PTC yang oleh banyak forum PTC disebut2 sebagai Program PTC Terbaik tahun ini ), saya sendiri juga mengikuti program ini. klik disini untuk daftar
klik ajach dech
The Ultimate Matrix

Jumat, 15 Januari 2010

Bagi anda yang belum pernah mengetahui akan situs-situs editing foto online,mudah-mudahan tutorial ini biasabermanfaat yuk…kita coba lagi beberapa situs yang ada, beberapa juga mirip dengan foto funia, menarik dan mudah penggunaannya.
Picartia , Situs ini untuk membuat foto-foto menjadi sebuah gambar Mozaik yaitu membuat gambar dari potongan-potongan kecil kaca berwarna, batu dan material lainnya.
Hairmixer , Situs ini untuk mengganti-ganti model rambut selebriti yang ngetrend. Siapa tau anda ingin meniru model rambut selebriti favorit, nah sebelum ke salon tidak ada salahnya mencoba dulu pada situs ini.

Write On It , Situs ini untuk membuat tulisan-tulisan sesuai keinginan anda pada foto-foto template yang sudah tersedia. Mirip Photofunia.com atau Macmypic.com.
Heritage Situs ini untuk mencari kemiripan foto anda dengan selebriti-selebriti, apalagi kalau banyak teman-teman yang mengatakan bahwa anda mirip dengan seleb ini, coba saja apakah benar banyak kemiripan ?
Festisite Situs ini untuk menampilkan foto anda pada uang kertas, tersedia banyak template uang dari berbagai negara.
Wanted Poster Situs ini untuk membuat Poster Wanted dengan gaya klasik western. Setelah masuk ke situs tersebut, klik Wanted Poster. Selain poster wanted, situs ini juga menyediakan tiga efek lain yang dapat digunakan.
Magnigraph Situs ini hanya untuk membuat foto-foto anda menjadi berwarna hitam putih. Tidak ada salahnya untuk dicoba, kadang foto-foto warna hitam putih justru akan terlihat lebih indah bukan ?
Buat Bayi Situs ini dapat mengira-ngira wajah bayi yang akan dihasilkan dari dua buah foto yang anda upload, ya coba saja upload foto anda dan pacar anda, kira-kira beginilah wajah bayi anda menurut komputer atau situs ini.
Fun Photo Box Situs ini mrip dengan Photo Funia dengan template yang berbeda.
Photo505 Situs ini mrip dengan Photo Funia dengan template yang berbeda.
Loonapix Situs ini mrip dengan Photo Funia, Face In Hole dengan template yang berbeda.
Montagraph Situs ini mrip dengan Face In Hole dengan template yang cukup menarik..
Pizap Situs ini untuk menambah teks yang kita inginkan pada foto-foto yang anda upload, cabain aja deh…. :)
Imagechef Situs ini juga untuk manipulasi foto-foto, tersedia berbagai template yang cukup unik.
Funny Photo He…he…coba sendiri ya, capek ….
Blingee Yang ini juga coba saja sendiri, pokoknya make bling…bling deh :)
Fake Magazine Cover Sama…yang ini juga belum dicoba, kayaknya hampir sama dengan beberapa situs untuk buat cover majalah :)

Selamat Mencoba dan Ber-Narsis ria…
Tahu twitter tidak? Kalau belum tahu, twitter adalah situs pertemanan. Sama seperti facebook, friendster, dan sebagainya. Nah, perbedaan antara facebook dan twitter yaitu kalau status di twitter dapat dilihat semua orang, sedangkan di facebook hanya dapat dilihat teman kita saja. Jadi sebelum membuat akun twitter, pertimbangkan dulu mau buat akun twitter atau tidak.
Nah, saya pertama kali tahu twitter dari sebuah majalah. Kalau tidak salah, twitter muncul setelah facebook. Pertama kali saya lihat ikon kebanggan twitter yaitu burung.
Oke, kalau sudah, mempertimbangkan mau buat akun twitter atau tidak, yuk kita membuat twitter:

Sebelum membuat twitter, anda harus punya akun email terlebih dahulu. Anda bisa mengkliknya untuk Gmail dan Yahoo mail

1. Buka dulu http://twitter.com/ lalu klik Sign up now

2. Isi data-data kamu(nama lengkap, username, password, email, dan huruf captcha) kalau sudah klik Create my account

3. Pada langkah berikutnya, anda ditawarkan mau mencari teman/tidak. Kalau mau klik continue dan kalau tidak mau klik Skip this step

4. Nah, step berikutnya, anda ditawari follower twitter anda. Kalau tidak mau semuanya klik select all dan tanda ceklis pun hilang. Lalu klik finish/skip this step(kalau mau)

5. Nah, selesai dah anda bisa melihat interface twitter anda. Selamat mencoba

6. Oke, kalau sudah puas dengan twitter anda, jangan lupa log out ya!

..:Jangan Lupa Memberikan Komentar:..

Awas!! Facebook kamu di hack. Sekarang ada program namanya GZ’s Facebook. Cara kerjanya cukup simple, kita tinggal ketikan e-mail dari akun si yang punya facebook, kemudian klik Freeze. Nah ditunggu beberapa saat.. Hasilnya, password si yang punya facebook akan berubah, dan dia tidak bisa kembali masuk ke dalam facebook-nya!! Gimana?? Kacaukan kalo sampe facebook kita ter-freeze macam gini. Hari gini akun facebook ilang?? Duh, berat banget jaman sekarang ga akses facebook.  Soalnya, kalo hari ini ga buka facebook serasa mau mati?? He..he..
Tapi mungkin ada sisi positif nya juga loh ney program. Kalo mau coba, silahkan di unduh disini. Praktekin aja ke akun mu sendiri, trus liat seberapa uring-uringan diri kamu tanpa facebook. Dari situ kita bisa melihat seberapa addicted diri kita terhadap facebook.
Aku sendiri sampe saat ini belum tahu betul bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah freeze ini, namun cara yang cukup aman, kita juga harus merahasiakan e-mail yang menjadi username kita. Dengan menyembunyikan informasi e-mail tersebut, setidaknya selangkah lebih maju dalam menghindari bahaya korban dari keisengan orang atas akun facebook kita.
Nah, kalo berminat mencoba programnya, ada disini. Dan ingat, secara pribadi aku tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala hal yang diakibatkan dari program tersebut. Semua menjadi tanggung jawab Anda sebagai pemakai. Maka gunakanlah dengan bijaksana..tapi kalo teman-teman mau pake software yang lain juga bisa juga dengan GreenZeros dan untuk crack nya mengunakan crack ice age
:putar1: :putar2:

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

OK sobat Blogger semua... setelah kita mengetahui bagaimana cara mengoptimalkan Channel URL sekarang saatnya kita melakukan optimalisasi lagi padaChannel Ads yang satunya yaitu Channel Custom. Bagi Anda yang baru mengikuti blog ini mungkin anda perlu membaca postingan saya sebelumnya mengenai pengoptimalan Ads. Google.
Channel kustom dapat digunakan untuk membantu Anda melacak warna, format, dan penempatan iklan yang paling efektif di situs Anda atau menyediakan jawaban atas pertanyaan seperti:

1. Unit iklan manakah yang memperoleh penghasilan terbesar pada halaman depan?
    Leaderboard di bagian atas halaman?
    Persegi panjang di bagian tengah artikel?
    Skyscraper di sisi kanan halaman?
    Unit link dalam navigasi kiri?
2. Apakah iklan akan berperforma lebih baik dengan atau tanpa batas tepi?
  • Tips: biasanya, iklan berperforma lebih baik tanpa batas tepi
3. Bagaimanakah perbandingan penghasilan untuk setiap kotak AdSense untuk pencarian?

Untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan channel kustom, sebaiknya lacak setiap unit iklan. Dengan demikian, Anda akan memiliki sekumpulan laporan utama yang dapat digunakan untuk menggabungkan data dari semua unit iklan, atau mengkombinasikan berbagai variasi agar memperoleh pengetahuan lebih rinci tentang performa AdSense situs Anda dan menjawab jenis pertanyaan yang tercantum di atas.

Membuat Channel Kustom

Anda harus memahami cara menggunakan channel kustom untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas agar dapat mengoptimalkan performa unit iklan AdSense. Perhatikan contoh berikut.

Skenario : Ngenyiz memiliki situs tentang mobil. Saat ini, situsnya memiliki 3 unit iklan dan 1 unit link, kemudian Ngenyiz ingin mengetahui unit yang berperforma paling efektif. Untuk melakukannya, ia membuat channel kustom terpisah untuk keempat unit iklan agar dapat memantau performanya.

Membuat dan menerapkan channel kustom memerlukan proses yang lebih rumit dibandingkan channel URL. Jangan khawatir, Saya akan menunjukkan cara membuat channel kustom dalam 4 langkah mudah:

1. Mulai dengan log in ke account Anda, kemudian klik tab Konfigurasi AdSense, diikuti link channel. Untuk skenario ini, kita perhatikan channel kustom AdSense untuk konten. Karenanya, pastikan Anda berada pada produk dan subtab channel yang tepat. Selanjutnya, klik Tambahkan channel kustom baru

2. Langkah berikutnya adalah memberikan nama channel.
Anda harus memberikan nama channel kustom yang tepat dan konsisten. Semakin banyak informasi lokasi dan cara penggunaan unit iklan pada nama, maka akan semakin mudah diidentifikasi di lain waktu saat membuat laporan channel. Untuk contoh yang digunakan di sini, sebaiknya gunakan nama seperti:
  • HomeTopLeaderMotherEarth
  • HomeMidRectMotherEarth
  • HomeRightSkyscpMotherEarth 
  • HomeLeftNavLinksMotherEarth
Anda akan menyadari bahwa semua nama tersebut mengikuti pola Halaman+Lokasi+Format Iklan+Palet Warna. Admin Ads. Google menganggap pola ini bermanfaat, namun Anda dapat menggunakan metode apapun yang paling sesuai untuk Anda. Masukkan nama channel dalam kotak channel baru, kemudian klik Tambahkan channel.
3.Lanjutkan dengan memilih jenis iklan, format iklan, dan palet warna seperti biasa, kemudian di bagian Channel,
pilih nama channel yang akan ditambahkan dengan mengklik link Tambah>> (Anda dapat menambahkan hingga 5 channel),

lalu klik Lanjut agar pilihan Anda terlihat dalam kode tata letak iklan.

4. Terakhir, salin dan sisipkan kode pada halaman Web Anda. Pengidentifikasi channel dalam kode Anda akan segera memulai pelacakan performa. Jika halaman tersebut telah memiliki kode iklan, Anda harus menggantinya dengan kode khusus channel yang baru.

Ulangi proses untuk setiap unit iklan yang akan dilacak.

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Hd Hacker:untuk Snifing server Download disini
Xp style  Pengintai Windows XpDownload disini
Hacker Limited Edition Hack server Disini
TMav CV 5  DOwnload Disini
Tapi jangan di Pakai Buat Kejahatan yach,coz Sesama Web master Di larang saling Serang..!
Mau bikin warnet dan gak mau beli software Biling explorer disini tempaynya nya! silahkan pilih gambar sesukanya dan sedot softwarenya :

Nah Download  Softwarenya Disini 
kalo masih Kurang disini

Dengan Tema "2010 AntiVirus Software Review Product Comparisons" Kembali lagi TopTenReviews.Com memberikan hasil review tentang 10 software antivirus terbaik 2010. Tidak jauh berbeda dengan 10 antivirus terbaik 2009, 10 Antivirus terbaik tahun 2010 juga didasarkan pada beberapa point penting yang sudah menjadi aturan mereka dalam melakukan review 10 antivirus terbaik.

Adapun point - point yang digunakan sebagai kriteria dalam penilaian tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. mudah dalam penggunaannya, sbuah software antivirus hendaknya mudah dalam penggunaannya, sehingga orang2 awan dapat dengan mudah menggunakannya.
2. Efektif dalam mengidentifikasi virus, software Antivirus yang terbaik adalah yang mampu mengindentifikasi file-file/dokumen yang terinfeksi dengan cepat dari awal sampai habis dalam proses scanning
3. efektif dalam karantina dan pembersihan file yang terinfeksi, Software antivirus yang baik juga harus mampu membersihkan, menghapus atau mengkarantina file-file yang terinfeksi serta menjaganya dari virus-virus nakal (yaiyalah namanya antivirus bisa menghapus dan mengkarantina virus, lo ga bisa bukan anti virus, tapi virus sendiri. hahahahahahaha)
4.) Laporan aktivitas, software antivirus sebaiknya mampu memberikan pengetahuan tentang aktivitas scanning secara real-time. Yang pastinya tentang virus itu sendiri.
5.) Fitur,Fitur yang baik dalam sebuah antivirus digunakan untuk melakukan settingan agar melakukan proteksi terhadap virus secara penuh.
6.) Kemudahan dalam installasi, ini adalah hal yang sangat penting karena software antivirus sebaiknya sangat cepat dalam melakukan instalasi, membuat mudah utk cepat keluar dari instalasi beralih ke “initial scan” dengan hanya melakukan double-click pada mouse saja.
7.) Layanan Bantuan, terakhir Software antivirus yang High-end datang dengan banyaknya “help”, dilengkapi support via email, online chat atau “over the telephone”.

Pada 10 Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2010 posisi tidak banyak berubah dari 10 Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2009, hanya ada beberapa antivirus yang bertukar posisi naik ataupun terjun bebas. Nah, berikut adalah urutan 10 Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2010.

Dan sang jawara 10 Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2010 masih dipegang oleh
BitDefender Antivirus dengan rating yang excellent.

Diposisi kedua ada Kaspersky Anti-Virus masih bertahan diposisi ini.

Diposisi ketiga masih betah dihuni oleh Webroot AntiVirus with SpySweeper.

Diposisi keempat ada Norton AntiVirus yang berhasil menggeser ESET Nod32 Antivirus di 10 Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2009 kemarin.

Diposisi kelima ESET Nod32 Antivirus harus puas turun satu angka.

AVG Anti-Virus pun harus puas setelah di musim kemarin menduduki peringkat 5 kini harus turun 1 angka ke posisi 6. Perlu diketahui di posisi 6 tahun lalu tangga 10 besar antivirus di isi oleh vipre. yang kini harus beersedih karena terlempar keluar dari 10 besar antivirus terbaik 2010.

F-Secure Anti-Virus Kembali mengamankan dirinya di posisi 7 setelah musim kemarin di tangga 10 besar antivirus 2009 puas menempati urutan paling buncit.

G DATA AntiVirus merupakan penghuni baru 10 besar antivirus terbaik tahun 2010 ini, Posisi 8 merupakan awal yang baik bagi G DATA AntiVirus, karena baru saja berhasil menggeser trend micro keposisi paling dasar dari perebutan posisi 10 besar antivirus tahun ini.

Avira AntiVir yang tahun 2009 terlempar dari persaingan perebutan gelar 10 besar antivirus 2009, kini kembali beraksi dan berhasil mengokohkan dirinya di posisi 9 10 antivirus terbaik 2010. Hati-hati avira posisi rawan tenggelam............... wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk!!!!!!!!! Lanjut!!!!!!!!!!!!

di Posisi paling buncit Trend Micro harus puas turun 2 angka keposisi paling dasar dari persaingan perebutan gelar 10 besar antivirus terbaik di tahun ini. Hati - hati coy!!!!!! ketendang nyaho deh!!!!!!!!!! wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwk
Berikut ini merupakan kumpulan animasi lucu yang gw temuin di internet. Gambarnya rata-rata berformat .gif (animated gif) dan banyak bertema soal binatang (terutama kucing).Ngeband
Burung Fitness
Lumba-lumba main ski
Lirikan Maut
Juragan Kucing
Real Alvin
Inul Ngebor
Tupai Dipijat
Kucing Plarak Plirik
Untuk Mengatasi kejenuhan berkomputer ada baiknya sejenak kita main Game Flash kecil seperti ini yuk,gratis lagi:

kalo teman mu download game-game flash na juga bisa :
-Magic balls 
-Noah ark Deluxe
-LOgic Bridge
-Osama bin laden                     
- MOnkey Lander
-Kiss Enator
-Full Time Killer

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Viandra love Handphone ..??
Hari gini siapa coba yang ga punya sama yang nama-nya Handphone atau lebih enak kita sebut “Hp”, mulai dari orang tua, remaja ampe anak2. Orang kantoran, anak sekolah, pegawai, montir, kuli, pengamen ampe pengemis juga pada punya Hp. so.. kali ini ga ada salah-nya gue pengen nampilin koleksi “Foto Handphone terbaru 2010″ yang mungkin udah ada atau baru akan muncul di pasaran, diantara foto handphone berikut kira2 ada yang kaya kamu punya ga yach ..?? monggo di locking2 ..  Inilah Foto Handphone terbaru 2010 :   :D
- Nokia
—> Nokia 5610
Handphone terbaru 2010
Handphone terbaru 2010
Handphone terbaru 2010
Yapz.. Itulah sedikit foto handphone terbaru 2010. Sebener-nya masih buanyak banget yang laen, tapi nanti ga muat n’ jadi lemot pas buka-nya,  :d   moga2 bisa berguna deh buat kamu2 .. n’ Barang kali kalo ada yang mau nambahin juga boleh ..  :-B    capedeh …

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Free Blogger Templates (Classic Version/HTML)
To everyone who loves Alfa Romeo Car Theme… Hope you like this theme!

More free blogger template, please visit our free blogger templates sites:

                                                                  Colorful Girls

                                                                    Download HERE

Dark Green of Reventon

Free Blogger Templates


Download HERE

Template dengan konsep Elegant Style dan SEO Friendly. Di desain dengan style sederhana serta memiliki kecepatan loading page yang mengagumkan. Secara default template ini hanya 20% menggunakan image, selebihnya didesain menggunakan permainan warna melalui koding.

Demo Template | Download via BOX | Download via Ziddu
Cara installasi : Disarankan untuk membackup template dan dan isi element halaman terlebih dahulu.
Agar semua fasilitas berfungsi dengan baik, sebaiknya dilakukan secara manual (tanpa di upload) dengan melakukan copy-paste kode melalui halaman Edit HTML. (jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget).
tertarik mencoba Blog style yang sama digunakan Mutt Cutts di blogger anda?


Blogger Version
Demo Template | Download Via BOX |
Download Via Ziddu

Wordpress Version

Demo Template |

Cara installasi :
Disarankan untuk membackup template dan dan isi element halaman terlebih dahulu.
Agar semua fasilitas berfungsi dengan baik, sebaiknya dilakukan secara manual (tanpa di upload) dengan melakukan copy-paste kode melalui halaman Edit HTML. (jangan lupa beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget).

Nich Skin buat teman-teman Bloger yang tidak mau repot desain ..!Free Blogger / Blogspot XML skin / template! Click on the image to open a new window for a larger view. This theme is fixed width for 1024 wide and wider screens. This template will NOT work in "classic" Blogger mode.

This theme features 3 columns, an easy to edit and improved horizontal navigation bar under the header image, a built in RSS Subscribe Feed button and full support for drag and drop sidebar widgets in both the left and right sidebars.
Free Blogger / Blogspot XML skin / template! Click on the image to open a new window for a larger view. This template is fixed width. This template will NOT work in "classic" Blogger mode.

This theme features a built in RSS Feed and full support for drag and drop sidebar widgets.

Click Image For Larger View!!

Click BETA XML Silhouettes template to download the code. Only 12KB.

The images are already hosted via Photobucket, no need to download those separately!


Make sure you backup or save your existing customizations like links and sidebar addons, hit counters, widget contents, etc. before deleting the old skin because they will be replaced by the new code. After installation just copy and paste your customizations back in from your original code.

Backing Up And Installing
Backing Up Your Old Template Data
Installing Your New XML Template

In some cases the template editor will ask to confirm the deletion of some of the widgets / page element sections. This will happen when you have widgets installed that are not included in this theme. This theme includes a bare minimum of widget elements. You should make backup copies of the contents of those widgets before deleting or you will lose the data! Once the theme is installed, you can reinstall your widget elements and complete the customization.

Your blogs title will automatically replace the title you see in the header. The "description" will display in the header panel, edit it in your blogs "Settings" area.

If you have any questions or problems please ask in the comments, don't email me directly! I will offer limited tech support thru the comments only!

For easy to follow technical help and tutorials on blogging, please visit

Ready for a custom designed skin? Visit
Stay tuned for more free templates!
tags: , , , , , ,

Click Image For Larger View!!

Click Wildflowers Blogger XML Template to download the code. Only 12KB.

The images are already hosted via Photobucket, no need to download those separately!
Free BETA / NEW Blogger / Blogspot skin / theme / template! Click on the image to open a new window for a larger view. This template is fixed width and will fit on an 800x600 screen and wider. Includes RSS Feed in sidebar. This is an updated version of my previous "Ruby Lips" theme.

This theme will work ONLY on new or "beta" Blogger and includes full support for sidebar widgets, labels, etc. It will NOT work on "classic" Blogger.

Click for Larger Image

Click here to download the code. Only 12KB!!!

The images are already hosted via Photobucket, no need to download those separately!


Make sure you backup or save your existing customizations like links and sidebar addons, hit counters, etc. before deleting because they will be replaced by the new code. After installation just copy and paste your customizations back in.

Backing Up And Installing
Backing Up Your Old Template Data
Installing Your New XML Template

Your blogs title will automatically replace the title you see in the header. The "description" will display at the top below the title, edit it in your blogs "Settings" area

If you have any questions or problems please ask in the comments, don't email me directly! I will offer limited tech support thru the comments only!

For easy to follow technical help and tutorials on blogging, please visit

Ready for a custom designed skin? Visit
Stay tuned for more free templates!

Technorati tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Click here to download the code. Only 12KB!!!

To install just unzip the file to your PC then copy and paste the entire .txt contents into your blogs template window after deleting it's existing contents. The images are already hosted via Photobucket, no need to download those separately!

Free Blogger / Blogspot skin / template! Click on the image to open a new window for a larger view.

This theme will work in "classic" mode only, it does not support widgets.

Click here to download the code. Only 12KB!!!
To install just unzip the file to your PC then copy and paste the entire .txt contents into your blogs template window after deleting it's existing contents. The images are already hosted via Photobucket, no need to download those separately!

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

» CallIn The Oven
» Car Racing
» Car Screech
» Cat
» Chickedimm
» Chris Tarrant Welcome
» Clean Boxers
» Clean Knicks
» Cool Yank
» Cosmos Return
» Cosmo The Alien
» Dentist
» Der Bekloppte Indianer
» Dimeldimp
» Disco Love
» Hinithun Velaashey Kalaa
» Hiy Edheyha Kameh
» Beyonce ft Shakira - Beautiful Liar
» Daddy Yankee - Gasolina.mp3
» Enrique - Do you know
» Lil John - Get low
» Nelly - Tip Trill Remix
» R. Kelly - Burn it up
» R. Kelly - Pick up the phone
» Linkin Park - What I've Done
» Linkin Park - Given Up
» Maroon5 - If I never see
» Maroon5 - Good Night
» PCD - Beep
» PCD - Buttons
» James Blunt - U R Beautiful
» Shakira - Hips dont lie
» Akon - I wanna luv U
» Akon - Smack That
» Rihanna - Ponde Replay
» » 3 Types Of Hoes
» Alright Yeah
» Arriba Get That Text
» Babyfarm
» Berlin Berlin Here We Go
» Biatch
» Billy Connelly
» Bing Bing Knock Knock
» Bitty Bitty
» Bob Monkhouse
» Bonk Bonk
» Boom Wheres That Text
» Bowling Alley
» Britney Cover On The Line
» Call From The Mafia
Eminem - When im gone
» Nickelback - Far Away
» BEP - Dont punk with my...
» BEP - My humps
» Hoobastank - The Reason
» No women no cry
» Santana - Corazon Espinado
» Beyvafaa Therikan
» Ill Sight - Bikuru
» Ill Sight - Bondlool
» Ill Sight - Vettuneema
» Trio - Chaaley
» Trio - Raaban'dhi
» Trio - Han'guraama
» Loameruney
» Dhin veynuge...
» Dhuniye miothy
» Reyotheemey roan
» Rabbo Rabbo
» Meekuryge handhaan
» Lemon Band - Loabeega
» Hutteyvarey
» Ey zamaanaa
» Ekkibaa
» Ill Sight - Eheelun
» Dhurugaa hureethy
» Rey rey mihen...
